Personal Enrichment Programs at Temple University

Discover the variety of courses offered at Temple University through our Personal Enrichment Programs. These programs offer a variety of options for thos who are looking to improve or develop a new skill. It all begins here!

Older woman leaned over a young girl, helping her with homework on the laptop.

Pan-African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP)

The Pan-African Studies Community Education Program (PASCEP) is a low-cost, non-credit continuing education service of the Office of Community Relations.

Explore PASCEP Courses

Two hands are shown playing the Cello. The right hand is shown holding the bow and the other is shown holding musical chord on the neck of the cello. Temple Music Prep provides high quality, non-credit music, and dance instruction, and related activities to the Philadelphia Community on behalf of the Boyer College of Music and Dance, and Temple University, at-large.

Music Preparatory Division

Temple Music Prep provides high quality, non-credit music, and dance instruction, and related activities to the Philadelphia Community on behalf of the Boyer College of Music and Dance, and Temple University, at-large.

Explore Music Prep Courses

Woman seen sitting at the kitchen counter, typing on her laptop.

Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education (ONCE)

The Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education (ONCE) offers a wide variety of non-credit courses and certificate programs that may help you advance your career or pursue your passions.

Explore ONCE Courses

Picture of paint brushes which have variety of pastel colors on them. The bruses hace a painted canvs in the background with yellow, purple, pink and blue lines.

Tyler School of Art

Throughout the year, the Tyler School of Art and Architecture opens its doors to the community through its rich and varied Continuing Education programs.

Explore Tyler School's Courses