How To Register for a Course
Searching for Courses
- Navigate to by clicking here.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Senior Scholars page to find a course that interests you.
- Once you find a course you would like to register for, click on the course name (Such as the first result, ARTH 0803 - The Art of Sacred Space) to view information and and available sections.
- Click on the plus sign next to the term you would like to view to expand the section information.
- If you would like to register for that section, click ADD TO CART.
- If you would like to register for more courses, click KEEP SHOPPING and then click on the red underlined "Search Results" link on the upper left of your screen. You can repeat steps 4-6 as many times as necessary.
- Once you are ready to pay for the course(s) in your cart, click CHECKOUT.
- You can also view your cart at any time by clicking on the shopping cart icon at the very top of your page.
Checking Out
- Review the items in your cart then select CHECKOUT once more.
- If you have been given a coupon code for your course, this would be the place to enter it in.
- For the next step, you will have to be logged in to your account.
- If you are already logged in, please skip to step 10.
- If you already have an account, please log in by entering your username and password in the DestinyOne Account Login section, then pressing continue.
- If you do not have a DestinyOne account, or are having trouble accessing your account, please click here to access the account login help in the FAQ.
- You will see a confirmation screen telling you that you have 30 minutes to complete the transaction. It will ask for your payment method.
- For your convenience, choose the Pay online by credit card method.
- If you choose to pay by another method, your request will be forwarded to Registration for processing.
- Click Continue Checkout.
- Review your cart one final time. If everything looks as it should, review the Policy Confirmation at your leisure then click the checkbox underneath. Press Continue Checkout.
- Some courses have additional questions that need to be answered before you can check out, such as those in the Tyler School of Art.
- You will then be asked to enter the payment amount. Press continue here.
- This screen will direct you to type in your payment information.
- Enter your credit card information, such as the cardholder's name, card type, CVV2 code, and expiration date.
- Enter the billing address information associated with your credit card.
- Finally, enter your daytime phone number as well as your preferred email address, and then press continue.
- You will then be asked to review if the information you entered is correct.
- If there is an error in something that you have entered, scroll to the bottom of the page and press edit to go back and fix that section. Press continue when you are done editing.
- Once everything looks good, press confirm to process the payment. (Processing can take up to one minute.)
- If the transaction was processed successfully, a receipt will be sent to your preferred email address.
- If the payment was not successfully processed, you will be asked to review the information you entered. Correct any errors you find, then press confirm to try and process the payment again.
You have now been registered for your courses!