This application is no longer available for completion online.
Submission Deadline

Feb 19, 2021

This is the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) application for all students in need of a student visa to study at Temple University, Japan Campus, for the Summer 2021 semester. Please complete the application and upload all supporting documents by Feb. 15th, 2021 (JST).


You will be asked to create a TU Portal account in order to complete the visa application. 

You may save and re-open this application anytime after the start date. However, please note you will not be able to edit your application once submitted. As such, please double-check that all information is correct before submitting it.


Please only use English characters and numbers throughout this application. Please do not leave any questions blank. If you do not know an answer or the question is not relevant to you, please put "N/A".


If you have any questions or concerns about the visa application process, please email