
Course Description

The Swinging Owls Campus Jazz Band is a traditional big band that is comprised of community members from the Greater Philadelphia area along with Temple University students and staff. Repertory performed includes standard big band literature. Membership in the Swinging Owls requires no audition, however, participants need to be able to read music and have use of personally owned or rented instruments.  At the end of each semester the "Swinging Owls" will give a culminating performance on Temple University's main campus.

The ensemble meets one evening per week, totaling two hours of rehearsal. Depending on enrollment, instrumentation and availability, students will be assigned to one of two bands, meeting Tuesdays 7:00-9:00pm or Thursdays 6:00-8:00pm.

** Please note the change: first meeting for all registered students is Tuesday, January 21!  First meeting for all registered students:  Thursday, January 16, 6:00pm




Membership in the Swinging Owls requires no audition, however, participants need to be able to read music and have use of personally owned or rented instruments.  

Directions and Parking

Directions to Temple University's Main Campus and to Presser Hall may be found here:  http://www.temple.edu/maps-and-directions 

Free street parking around the Presser/Tyler complex is available

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Swinging Owls Campus Jazz Band
Th, T
6:00PM to 10:00PM
Jan 16, 2025 to Apr 15, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition $50.00
Section Notes

** Note change in start date:  Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Directed by Chris Oatts, MM in Jazz Performance at Temple University (2017) and Joshua A. Lee, MM in Jazz Performance at Temple University

At checkout please indicate your preference for either the Tuesday, 7-9pm or Thursday 6-8pm section.