
Course Description

Regardless of your age, it is always helpful to increase your understanding of how your current students learn and what your future students might need. Students learn in a variety of ways, this course will focus on the influence of generational characteristics on learning styles. Your students learn differently than you do. Come find out how to help your students learn more. And discover something new about yourself too! We will explore fascinating information on the brain and how each generation has responded to their unique “cohort experience”. You will acquire the skills and information needed to facilitate the emerging generation of learners. Understand how your own generational characteristics impact your learning AND your teaching. Come away with our top 20 generational techniques for helping your students learn more.

Course Outline

Unit 1

  • Introduction to Generational Learning Styles
  • The origin of generational learning styles & foundation of learning style theories
  • Learning theory and the brain
  • What defines a generation - the concept of the cohort experience

Unit 2

  • Understanding generational factors influencing how you learn and teach
  • Characteristics of the Baby Boomers
  • Characteristics and definitions for Generation X
  • Learning characteristics of both Baby Boomers and Gen Xers
  • How YOUR generational characteristics influence your approach to teaching

Unit 3

  • Impact of technology on generational learning
  • The impact of generational characteristics on approaches to and expectations of education, perceptions of time, prioritizing work/life/school, goals and ambition, collaborative vs. individual, worldview, inputs versus outcomes and other value differences

Unit 4

  • Helping Your Students to Learn More
  • Communication tips with students and the emerging generation
  • Classroom instruction tips for the emerging generation
  • Understanding and using technology to facilitate learning
  • The top 20 generational techniques for helping your students learn more

Learner Outcomes

Course outcomes

  • Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:
  • recognize generational behaviors and interpret their meanings accurately,
  • interpret the generational language of members of your own generation as well as that of your Gen Y students, (and potentially administrators and coworkers)
  • adjust your own communication style and teaching strategies to be more effective with your students,
  • Understand the societal forces that shape generational behaviors,
  • Avoid/eliminate misunderstandings that lead to loss of learning and knowledge productivity,
  • employ successful teaching techniques to enhance your students’ learning based on their generational learning styles.

Course objectives

  • To foster an understanding among K-12 teachers of the different generations learning strategies and the differences in perception, expression, and interpretation of common situations in the classroom,
  • To create a better understanding of generational characteristics influence how your Gen Y students learn and behave in the classroom,
  • To understand the societal forces that shape each generational personality,
  • To create an understanding of how different generations communicate and assign different meaning to the same content,
  • To understand the core values of Generation Y and anticipate the emerging generation,
  • To minimize generational miscommunication between you as a teacher and your students
  • To provide concrete strategies for how to reach and teach Generation Y more effectively.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Generational Learning Styles for K12 Teachers
Online, self paced
Nov 04, 2024 to Nov 29, 2024
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Section Notes

Course Details:

  • Course Name: Generational Learning Styles
  • Course Duration: One month
  • Format: Online, self-guided
  • Scheduled Dates: November 4-29, 2024
  • Instructor: William Draves

Contact Information:

  • For more information, please contact the Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education:
    • Email: ncce@temple.edu
    • Phone: 215-204-4866