
Course Description

Discover why girls waste 30% of their study time, why boys get worse grades than girls, why boys do less homework than girls, and the 5 learning habits girls get in school that hurts them in the workplace. Your female students learn differently than your male students. Discover how girls learn. Take away 10 top tips for helping girls learn more, and the 5 tips to help girls succeed more. Then discover how boys learn. Take away 10 top tips for helping boys learn more, and the 5 tips to help boys succeed more.  Get info about research not available anywhere else. 

Course Outline

Unit 1

  • The Brain and Gender Differences
  • The brain and learning
  • The female brain
  • The male brain
  • Summary of neurological and hormonal differences

Unit 2

  • Helping Girls Learn More
  • How girls learn
  • Classroom techniques and activities that help girls learn
  • Helping girls with spatial skills and STEM
  • The 10 strategies for helping girls learn more

Unit 3

  • Helping Boys Learn More
  • How boys learn
  • Classroom techniques and activities that help boys learn
  • Helping boys with language skills
  • The 10 strategies for helping boys learn more

Unit 4

  • Helping Both Girls and Boys Succeed More
  • Helping girls succeed in the workplace
  • Helping boys succeed with college
  • Grading learning and knowledge
  • Gender neutral grading

Learner Outcomes

Course outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • recognize gender differences in learning styles and classroom behavior
  • correctly interpret gender responses to content and learning activities
  • employ successful teaching techniques to help your female students learn more
  • employ successful teaching techniques to help your male students learn more
  • employ assessment strategies to help both your female and male students succeed more.

Course objectives

  • To foster an understanding among K-12 teachers of the neurological and learning differences between female and male students
  • To understand how the female brain influences how your female students learn
  • To understand how the male brain influences how your male students learn
  • To understand why boys get worse grades than girls, and what you as a teacher can do
  • To understand the five learning habits that inhibit success for your female students when they enter the workplace
  • To assist teachers in responding effectively and efficiently to different gender characteristics in learning.


Instructors: Julie Coates and William A. Draves, have more than ten years’ experience and expertise in documenting and reporting the research on gender and learning. They have also added to the literature by publishing their pioneering research into gender and learning. Coates and Draves keynote national and state education conferences, as well as conducting numerous K-12 teacher in-service seminars for local school districts. Coates and Draves also teach in the adult and higher education graduate program for the University of South Dakota.

This course is part of the Certificate in Learning Styles online certificate program.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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