
Course Description

In the U.S., there are approximately 1.9 million new cancer cases estimated to be diagnosed in 2021. Additionally, as of January 2019, there are more than 16.95 million cancer survivors in the U.S. (National Cancer Institute, 2020). A cancer diagnosis has a unique psychosocial impact on the individual and their family. Social workers in all fields will most likely encounter individuals impacted by cancer. Learning about the specific psychosocial needs of cancer patients enhances generalist and clinical social workers alike, case managers, and private practitioners across all practice settings. This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge and tools to increase understanding of the role of the oncology social worker, the psychosocial needs of oncology patients and their families, and common interventions and treatments. 

Target Level Audience:  Beginner

Course Outline

(00:15)  Check-in, Introductions, Program Dynamics, Review of Goals and Objectives
(00:45)  Oncology Social Work Overview
(00:45)  Roles of Oncology Social Worker in the Oncology Experience
(00:15)  Break
(01:00)  Patient Navigation Coordination and Social Work
(00:15)  Closing, Evaluations, and Certificates

Learner Outcomes

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:  

  • Recognize the biopsychosocial impact of cancer on individuals and families;
  • Identify three components of the Oncology Social Worker role in inpatient and outpatient medical settings; and 
  • List best practices for navigation, assessment, and treatment of cancer patients by oncology social workers.  

When participants return to the workplace, they will be able to:  

  • Collaborate with oncology social workers in inpatient and/or outpatient practice; and 
  • Integrate knowledge of the psychosocial effects of a cancer diagnosis into their practice.
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