
Course Description


Instructor: David Wesley Tonkin

Day of Week: Thursdays

Dates: July 11 & 18 (2 sessions)

Time: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Location: Online via Zoom

This two-episode seminar chronicles and is a timely tribute to the magnificent yet unheralded soaring heroic deeds of women in history’s bloodiest conflicts. In Episode One: The Remarkable Women of World War I, we will discuss the remarks of Mildred Aldrich, a journalist, editor and writer from Rhode Island who witnessed the bloody First Battle of the Marne. She wrote to Gertrude Stein, “It will be the bloodiest affair the world has ever seen; carried out with the most effective man-slaughtering machines ever used in battle.” This seminar is reverently dedicated to the many thousands of remarkable women who contributed by their altruistic actions; they believed, to the hastening of the end of this senseless and futile conflict. In Episode Two: The Remarkable Women of World War II: we will discuss sixteen women of the Allied nations who had to extend the scope of their healing and caring to save and fight for the people brutally and unspeakably targeted for genocide by the Germans and the Japanese. How they succeeded makes for a massive story of heartrending sacrifice, vision, unfathomable heroism and success! Yet so many have not ever been recognized.

Maximum: 150

Instructor Bio: David Wesley Tonkin has traversed the globe many times and has appreciatively gathered a rich tapestry of remarkable and matchless life-lessons, vivid memories, experiences and opinions. He is a retired Airborne Cavalry Officer who saw service in the South African-Cuban-Angolan Wars and as a UN peacekeeper in five African countries in the 1970’s and 1980’s. He has held entrepreneurial COO level and thought leader and strategic positions at global business training enterprises. In 2008, David was honored with the “Excellence and Innovation in Corporate Learning” Award at the 9th Annual Corporate University Awards. This highly coveted and prestigious global award is co-sponsored by The Wharton School of Business and Training Magazine. David’s eclectic range of lectures all benefit from his many years of global travel and the embracing of a rich collective of experiences and research to fuel his wide range of topical coverage.


Why, when I’m registering do I join the Wait List?
Several of our courses are in high demand. In order to accommodate our members who are not tech-savvy and have trouble registering online, we created a registration system in which there is no advantage to registering early, no disadvantage to registering later.

When registering, you join the Wait List for each course. Don’t be alarmed. This does not mean the course is full. After the registration period is over, we run a lottery on the courses, and it randomly determines who is admitted to each course and who is not. You typically will receive notification regarding which courses you are admitted to, about two weeks before the start of the semester. If a course accepts 150 or more students, you are very likely to get into it.

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Section Title
The Remarkable Women of World War I and II (Virtual via Zoom)
Online-fixed date/synchronous meeting(s)
1:30PM to 3:30PM
Jul 11, 2024 to Jul 18, 2024
Schedule and Location
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  • Online Learning
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