
Course Description

This course explores the role of the banking and monetary institutions within a modern developed economy, with an emphasis on the United States. (1) We will analyze financial intermediation and the role of banks in the economic system, place them in historical context, and discuss the economic rationale behind banking regulation. (2) We will study the role of money and the Federal Reserve in the U.S. economic and financial system. (3) We will discuss the instruments and goals of monetary policy.
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Section Title
ECON 3571: Money and Banking
M, W, F
1:00PM to 1:50PM
Jan 13, 2025 to Apr 28, 2025
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Thank you for registering for a Senior Scholars course! The Senior Scholars program is an auditing program for Temple graduates, as well as their spouses or partners, and other friends of Temple, age 50+. As an auditor, you will not receive a grade or academic credit for this course. A few days before the start of the semester, you will receive an email confirming your enrollment and providing more information on how to get started in your course. Please be advised that all Senior Scholars courses are open to Temple undergraduate students first.

This Spring '25 course runs January 13th through May 6th. MWF from 1:00-1:50pm on Main campus, Gladfelter Hall, Room 247. There will be no classes during Spring Break: March 3-7, 2025.

Your instructor is Joshua Mask.