
Course Description

Improve your ability to develop and deliver statistics for decision making by improving your skills in conducting reliable surveys.  Help your organization design effective surveys to improve business and workplace effectiveness. You will also learn how to enter your results into Excel and how to present and explain those results.

Course Outline

Unit 1 - Introduction to Survey Research

Unit 2 - Design your own Survey

Unit 3 - Use of Demographics

Unit 4 - Refining your Survey


This online, self-paced course is part of the Statistics for Decision Making Certificate.

Instructor: Jeff Kritzer has a degree in Health Education from The University of Oregon. He has successfully developed courses for UGOTCLASS including “Advanced Data Analysis”, “Infographics”, “Introduction to Coding” and “Advanced Google Analytics”.. He has a PhD in Education and is currently a Professor in Teacher Education at a leading Midwestern University.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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