MUSPREP0080 - SUMMER: Online Music Theory Fundamentals
Course Description
Music Theory Fundamentals – Written Section-010 (Incoming Temple freshmen Boyer students and interested musicians)
This five-week online course provides incoming music major students with the written fundamentals needed to succeed in Music Theory I in the Boyer College of Music and Dance. The course will consist of online tutorials and exercises, worksheets to be printed and scanned, and one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Pass/fail assessment will be based on quizzes and final exam. Students will obtain facility in reading and writing the following music components: pitches in treble and bass clefs, writing major and minor scales, intervals, major and minor triads, and rhythms in simple and compound meters.
Music Theory Fundamentals – Aural-011 (Incoming Temple Freshmen Boyer students and interested musicians)
This five-week online course provides incoming music major students with the aural fundamentals needed to succeed in Music Theory I in the Boyer College of Music and Dance. The course will consist of online tutorials and exercises, web-based synchronous sessions, and one-on-one consultation with the instructor. Pass/fail assessment will be based on quizzes and final exam. Students will obtain facility in dictation of basic melodies, rhythmic dictation, and basic sight singing.
Course Outline
Courses for 2021 are 5 weeks each and will run concurrently from July 12th to August 13th. Two synchronous sessions per week through Zoom for Aural class will be required. Sessions will be scheduled by the instructor to accommodate the schedules of the students.
Course Fee: $320 for 1 section, $520 if both sections are needed (See below)
(Participants must register and check out for both sections simultaneously in order to obtain discount)
Course fee includes enrollment in course as well as a 1-year subscription to Musition and/or Auralia software package.
AccessNet Account Login
Current Temple University employees and undergraduate (including incoming freshmen with TU ID and Accessnet account) should login with their Accessnet (Same user name as TUPortal).
Non-Temple students should take a placement test before enrolling to ensure that this class is appropriate for them. Email for more information.
Technical requirements:
- Computer with reliable internet
- Headphones or speakers
- Ability to scan or take pictures of worksheets and submit via email or Canvas
- Webcam and microphone [Aural component only]