
Course Description

This is a 1 day course that is to advance clinical practice in managing individuals with BPPV. Participants will expand knowledge of pathophysiology of BPPV to supports advanced skills in examination and treatment of individuals with BPPV. Participants will learn to identify individuals with typical and atypical presentations of BPPV with clinical examination including history, system review and testing procedures. Application of standard and novel testing procedures and nystagmus observation will be emphasized to promote enhancement of differential diagnosis. Evidence based approach will be applied to selecting and applying interventions for typical and atypical variants of BPPV. Participants will learn to recognized abnormal presentations that mimic BPPV and make appropriate recommendations for interventions and/or referrals to improve individual outcomes. Case study application will be utilized to develop comprehensive plan of cares of clients with BPPV.

Learner Outcomes

At the end of this course the participant will:

  1. Recognize patterns of symptoms and other signs associated with BPPV utilizing history and system review.
  2. Identify the location of otoconia in the SCCs based on symptoms and positioning provoked nystagmus.
  3. Differentiate between BPPV, central related positional nystagmus and other vestibular and pathologies based on nystagmus provoked by positioning tests.
  4. Apply appropriated positioning tests and modification of tests to identify various forms of BPPV.
  5. Utilize the best evidence on canalith repositioning maneuvers and patient observations of testing results to select the appropriate management strategies for individuals with BPPV.
  6. Demonstrate 2 treatment maneuvers to resolve BPPV for each of the SCCS.
  7. Adapt approach if BPPV does not resolve in expected time frame.
  8. Educate patients on nature of BPPV, rationale for interventions and prognosis for treatment based on the best available evidence.
  9. Determine when a referral to other health professional is required when patient have atypical presentations or refractory BPPV.
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