PT0001 - Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency: Advanced Musculoskeletal Management Upper Quarter
Course Description
Using the APTA’s Description of Specialty Practice (DSP) for Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, this course will focus on advanced differential diagnosis, physical therapy intervention, clinical decision making, and overall management for patients with upper quarter region disorders. Evidence from peer-reviewed literature will serve as the foundation of course material. Case study analysis will be used to enhance students’ clinical decision making. Physical examination, exercise interventions, and manual therapy procedures including thrust and non-thrust mobilization will be addressed for each upper quarter region including the cervical, craniocervical, thoracic, shoulder, elbow, and wrist/hand regions during weekend course work. Weekend course work will be enhanced by participants pre-reading and independent study. Students will participate in on-line courseware using the Blackboard system for interactive discussions with other course members, access to journal articles, and viewing of lecture material.
Learner Outcomes
At the conclusion of the course students will be able to:
Conduct a comprehensive examination for patients with musculoskeletal disorders involving the cervical, craniocervical, thoracic, shoulder, elbow, and wrist/hand regions.
Perform a differential diagnosis for patients with upper quarter musculoskeletal disorders and identify patients who require referral to another health care provider.
Perform selected tests and measures of the cervical, craniocervical, thoracic, shoulder, elbow, and wrist/hand regions of that have been shown to have the highest diagnostic accuracy.
Evaluate the information gathered in the examination to arrive at patient care decisions, including diagnosis, prognosis, and a plan of care.
Perform skilled manual therapy interventions for cervical, craniocervical, thoracic, shoulder, elbow, and wrist/hand regions that are supported by the current, best evidence. This will include non-thrust mobilization, thrust mobilization, and soft tissue techniques.
Integrate patient-related instruction, therapeutic exercise, functional training in self-care, and use of adjunctive devices and equipment into the plan of care based on the current, best evidence.
Utilize classification schemes to assist with matching the plan care to patients’ specific impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions.
Understand and apply selected clinical prediction rules to the management of patients with upper quarter region musculoskeletal disorders.
Measure impairment, function, disability, and health related quality of life outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper quarter region.
Apply the concept of regional interdependence to the management of patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper quarter region.