
Course Description

In a world full of social media hype and fake news, it's totally normal to feel a little lost about who you are and where you fit in. This workshop is all about helping high school students like you discover their inner superpowers through personality tests and coaching. You'll team up with a writing pro to craft a personal essay that can open doors to college or scholarships. Along the way, we'll also dive into the secrets of well-being and self-care. This workshop is ideal for anyone about to go through the college admissions process, anyone who is curious about careers in fields like counseling psychology and school psychology, or anyone who just wants to engage in some self-discovery and personal growth.


For more information, please visit https://admissions.temple.edu/pre-college.
Questions? Call the Office of Pre-College Programs at 215-204-2712 or email precollege@temple.edu
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