
Course Description

This course is an introduction to looking at art and appreciating the wide range of art and architecture that surrounds us in our contemporary world. We will think about, engage with, and learn how to look at the visual arts of the present and the past, and understand their contexts, subjects, and styles. At the same time, we will study monuments across the globe that place the visual arts in a broad cultural framework. Close attention is given to visual literacy, as well as the concepts that connect artistic communication and expression from the art and architecture of the ancient world through modern times. Through local museum and gallery visits, we will also become familiar with the ways that the arts connect to our everyday lives. Prior to Fall 2023, this course was titled "Arts of the Western World: The Visual Experience." 
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
ARTH 0808 - Art Matters: Ideas in Art
10:00AM to 10:50AM
Aug 30, 2024 to Dec 13, 2024
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Section Notes

Thank you for registering for a Senior Scholars course! The Senior Scholars program is an auditing program for Temple graduates, as well as their spouses or partners, and other friends of Temple, age 50+.?As an auditor, you will not receive a grade or academic credit for this course. A few days before the start of the semester, you will receive an email confirming your enrollment and providing more information on how to get started in your course. 

This course will be meeting Fridays from 10:00AM-10:50AM on Temple University's main campus from Monday, August 26th through Monday, December 17, 2024 in Tyler School of Art, Room B 083. 

Please note: classes are not held the following dates: 

Monday, Sept. 2nd, Fri. Oct. 11th, or during Fall break: November 25-29, 2024 

Instructor Name: Srdan Tunic

Attendance at field trips is not mandatory for Senior Scholars, but you may choose to join the class at the designated site if you wish.