
Course Description

Note: This session is a NonCredit Lunch and Learn Session

Without a stellar business presentation, your equally stellar work risks being unseen. Give yourself or your staff the confidence to present anytime, anywhere, and to anyone with the help of an expert from Temple’s Fox Business School, Dr. Jimmy Miller.  

Participants will have the chance to learn about how to develop goals for their presentation, choose their type of presentation, develop snazzy PowerPoints, avoid the dreaded anxiety of presentations, and more!  

Suitable for individuals or organizations, our Lunch and Learn gives you the chance to ask burning questions on the subject matter and get the answers you need while you learn vital skills to upgrade your presentation skills and resume; Join us!  

Date: December 10th 

Time: 12 – 1 p.m. 

Cost: $10.00  


Participants will receive a link to join our session via Zoom. 

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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