
Course Description



Instructor: Isabel Knight

Day of Week: Thursday

Dates: June 6 – July 18 (6 sessions)

No Class: July 4

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Hybrid at TUCC

Have you ever been to someone’s funeral or planned a funeral for someone yourself and realized how much sheer work it is? It’s just like planning a wedding only most people take months or even years to plan their weddings, and they are usually not grieving at the same time. In this course, we will cover all the main things you need to think about when planning a funeral, talk about some of the most meaningful and beautiful memorial services we have attended and what made them special, and more. All while having fun! We will answer questions such as: 1. Which is most environmentally friendly, cremation or burial? 2. How much does a funeral typically cost?; 3. How do I donate my body to science? Take this course if this is something you know you have been needing to do, but you just keep putting it off.

Maximum Online: 25

Maximum In-Person: 25

Instructor Bio:

Isabel Knight is the Founder of The Death Designer, and provides end-of-life planning services, including funeral and vigil planning, digital account password management, advance directives, and assistance with reconciling fears of mortality. We take a human-centered design approach, with a focus on promoting individual autonomy, sustainability, and home deathcare options. Our goal is to create a more humane and equitable end of life experience for all. She is also the President of the National Home Funeral Alliance and a board member of the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Pennsylvania. She helps doulas and death-positive businesses create a more inclusive and accessible experience for their clients through human-centered design workshops and also creates online courses and offers freelance graphic design work. You can find her on Instagram at @thedeathdesigner.


Why when I’m registering do I join the Wait List?
Several of our courses are in high demand. In order to accommodate our members who are not tech-savvy and have trouble registering online, we created a registration system in which there is no advantage to registering early, no disadvantage to registering later.

When registering, you join the Wait List for each course. Don’t be alarmed. This does not mean the course is full. After the registration period is over, we run a lottery on the courses, and it randomly determines who is admitted to each course and who is not. You typically will receive notification regarding which courses you are admitted to, about two weeks before the start of the semester. If a course accepts 150 or more students, you are very likely to get into it.

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Section Title
Funeral Planning 101 (It is More Fun than you Think) (In Person at TUCC)
Online-fixed date/synchronous meeting(s)
11:00AM to 12:00PM
Jun 06, 2024 to Jul 18, 2024
Schedule and Location
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