
Course Description


Instructor: Janice Winston

Day of Week: Wednesdays

Dates: June 5 – 26 (4 sessions)

Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Online via Zoom


Educational thought-provoking lecture and discussion course. Topics cover historical, national, local, social, and current issues. The dialogue helps us gain insight into others and ourselves on our quest to continue learning. Attendees are invited to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a congenial and guided forum. Wake up your brain as we gain and give knowledge through our individual life experiences.

Maximum: 25


Instructor Bio: Janice Winston, BS, Business Communications; Certificates in Human Resources, Management, and Marketing, Chestnut Hill College. She is a retired network engineer, an award-winning pension activist, certified mediator, educator, and elected official. Janice has taught adult literacy and elementary education. She volunteers at the American Red Cross as an advanced instructor and government liaison. Janice has various interests including amateur ham radio, voting rights, and human rights.



Why when I’m registering do I join the Wait List?
Several of our courses are in high demand. In order to accommodate our members who are not tech-savvy and have trouble registering online, we created a registration system in which there is no advantage to registering early, no disadvantage to registering later.

When registering, you join the Wait List for each course. After the registration period is over, we run a lottery on the courses, and it randomly determines who is admitted to each course and who is not. You typically will receive notification regarding which courses you are admitted to, about two weeks before the start of the semester. If a course accepts 150 or more students, you are very likely to get into it.
Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.