This application is only to be used to report employment after you have received a STEM extension of your post-completion   OPT. If you are still in your original 12 month period of "regular" post-completion OPT and want to extend your employment, navigate to and request a new I-20 to extend your STEM employment.

During STEM OPT, F-1 status is dependent upon employment, and sets an aggregate limit on days of "unemployment" that can be accrued while on STEM OPT.

  • If a student received a 17-month STEM OPT extension before May 10, 2016 and elects not to request a 7-month extension under the 24-month STEM OPT rule, the limit on unemployment is raised to an aggregate of no more than 120 days, applied to the entire 29-month period of standard post-completion and 17-month STEM OPT.
  • If a student receives a 24-month STEM OPT extension (including a 7-month extension of 17-month STEM OPT), the limit on unemployment is raised to an aggregate of no more than 150 days, applied to the entire period of standard post-completion and STEM OPT.

Use this form to report employment. We know "gender" appears twice, it's in the process of  being corrected.