
Course Description

Joan Krzywicki, Suzuki Teacher Trainer/Piano Teacher

This is a 10 hour course designed to help teachers at all levels hone their own individual teaching skills. This course is not about “what to teach” but instead about “how to teach.”

Up to ten people are allowed to be in a class at one time. Each participant would prepare one or two videos of his/her teaching to share with the class. The videos should be up to 20 minutes long. They should consist of working with a student on a technical or musical skill within the Suzuki repertoire. As the lesson proceeds, there should be a noticeable change in the ability of the student. Teachers would be encouraged to bring videos of students that may not be particularly motivated or are struggling somehow. Online lessons are acceptable.

The videos would be viewed during the class, and all of the participants would be invited to comment positively on what transpired in the lesson. Questions would also be allowed in order to clarify what tools, methods, etc. were chosen for that lesson. The trainer, supported by the class, would offer one or two points for each teacher to work on. I view this class as an opportunity for all of the participants to share many ideas about the skill of teaching. The videos would be a spark for stimulating conversations about our individual journeys as Suzuki teachers.

Course Dates:  Fridays, May 14 - June 11, 9:30am-12:00pm.  NO CLASS MAY 28th (MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND)

The only prerequisite for the course is that one has taken Every Child Can! and Book 1. There are no other requirements except to be present and provide videos.


Prerequisite:  Completion of Every Child Can! and Suzuki Book 1.
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