
Course Description

This core course will familiarize Brokers and Real Estate Salespersons with the legal compliance and professional responsibility standards associated with agency relationships, escrow accounts and disclosure requirements. Most Brokers and Real Estate Salespersons that face discipline for bad acts or omissions in these areas either knew the correct way to do things but abridged the rules intentionally. However, some admit to ignorance of agency laws, escrow rules and disclosure requirements that should have been common knowledge. This course will provide you with instruction of best practices in these key areas to keep your real estate license in good standing. This course will also address the importance and significance of ethics in real estate. The 17 Articles of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Realtors serves as an example because it contains practical applications of business ethics in a format pertaining to the real estate industry. The history of how the Code of Ethics was created and how it functions on a daily basis illustrate the necessity of ethical real estate practice. 


This course fulfills 7.0 hours of elective continuing education required for real estate salespeople and brokers in Pennsylvania. If this is your first time renewing your licenses, this course will not count towards your renewal. For offerings required for first time renewal click here. 
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