
Course Description

Professional Artists Lectures Series Instructor: Jan Marabito Day: Wednesdays Time: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom January 31 – April 10 (No class March 6 & 13) For decades, Bucks County’s bucolic beauty has long inspired artists to create memorable works, which in turn, attracted even more artists and resulted in the area becoming an artistic haven. That tradition continues today with a plethora of highly talented contemporary artists calling this area their home. The Professional Artists Lecture Series gives you intimate access to this unique network of creative and accomplished individuals. The class allows you to meet professional artists working in various mediums to learn about their work, techniques, lives, accomplishments, and challenges. Some artists are well known, others are rising stars - all are exceptional. Artists typically begin with a lecture, sharing their work, their processes, and their perspectives. This is followed by an audience question and answer period, where you are free to ask anything you would like of the artist.   Instructor Bio: Jan Marabito studied at Miami University in Ohio and moved to Bucks County in 1972, where she quickly became a passionate patron of the arts, collecting art and supporting organizations such as the Phillips Mill, charities and individuals affiliated with the arts, janmarabito@comcast.net.  


Why when I’m registering do I join the Wait List?
Several of our courses are in high demand. In order to accommodate our members who are not tech-savvy and have trouble registering online, we created a registration system in which there is no advantage to registering early, no disadvantage to registering later.

When registering, you join the Wait List for each course. Don’t be alarmed. This does not mean the course is full. After the registration period is over, we run a lottery on the courses, and it randomly determines who is admitted to each course and who is not. You typically will receive notification regarding which courses you are admitted to, about two weeks before the start of the semester. If a course accepts 150 or more students, you are very likely to get into it.

Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.